The Abusive Mom (2) besties again

 The Abusive Mom (2) besties again

When they’re feeling down, I’m the only one they trust with their worries, because I’ve convinced them no one else will ever care. My girls tell me things they won’t even tell each other, thanks to my ongoing campaign of lies pitting one against the other. They know they can confide in me and that I’ll use their secrets to crush them if they ever cross me. On the other hand, I never sugarcoat things. If I think one of them needs to be told she’s a tedious fucking bitch with bad skin, I’ll tell her straight to her face.

Day or night, I’m the one they can always turn to, whether for an offhand belittling remark, or an all-out unexplained silent treatment that lasts for days. I guess that’s just my abusive maternal instinct!

Like every group of friends, we fight sometimes. But even when we have our differences, my girls understand I’ll always be ready to burst into tears and demand to know why they would make me suffer like this after everything I’ve done for them. Later on, after we’ve cooled down and I’ve let them stew in their self-resentment for a while, we’re right back to being besties again.

feel down = cítit se mizerně
convince sb. = přesvědčit
ongoing = trvající, přetrvávající
pit sb. against sb. = stavět někoho proti někomu jinému
confide in sb. = svěřit se, důvěřovat
cross sb. = zde: podrazit
sugarcoat = přibarvovat, přikrášlovat, podávat v lepším světle
he needs to be told = je potřeba mu to říct
tedious = nudný, jednotvárný
offhand = odměřený, nepříjemný
belittling = zde: shazující, znevažující
remark = poznámka, komentář
all-out = totální, obrovský
silent treatment = „tichá domácnost“ (she gave me the silent treatment - nebavila se se mnou)
fight / have a fight = hádat se
why they would make me suffer like this = proč bych kvůli nim měla tak trpět (nepřímá otázka, navíc MAKE se pojí s holým infinitivem, co byste chtěli víc)
cool down = „vychladnout“
stew = podusit, vyžrat si to
self-resentment = vztek na sebe samého
we’re right back to being besties again = jsme hned zase nejlepší kámošky (bestie - zkrácené „best friend“)


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