
Zobrazují se příspěvky z září, 2018

Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) rozbor

she looked good -- she really did  - odpověď bychom mohli v češtině vyjádřit klidně jen dvěma slovy, a sice "to jo", v angličtině se však takovéto reakce tvoří právě použitím  pomocného slovesa , které nahrazuje významové sloveso z předcházející věty. Významové sloveso je LOOKED, které se v odpovědi nahradí minulým tvarem slovesa  do , tedy DID she had less wrinkles lying down  - neměla tolik vrásek, když ležela. 1) LESS se v dnešní angličtině používá ve významu  méně / ne tolik  i u počitatelných podst.jmen, kde by teoreticky byla správnější podoba  fewer ; 2) gerundium slovesa LIE zkracuje vedlejší větu  when she was lying down we can all take comfort in that  - všechny by nás to mělo uklidnit how is that comforting? I'd be more comforted if...  - jak mě to má uklidnit? Byl bych klidnější, kdyby... Tady je hezky vidět rozdíl mezi přídavnými jmény, která končí na  -ing  a těmi, která končí na  -ed . Ta, která končí na -ed, popisují, jak se  cítí podmět  (proto  I

Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) she looked good

Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) she looked good Everybody's in the car, driving home from aunt Ginny's funeral Frankie : Well, she looked good. Mike : She really  did . Sue : I think she looked pretty. Brick : She had  less  wrinkles  lying down . Axl : I never saw her without her glasses. Mike : And that cloud of smoke around her. Frankie : Look, aunt Ginny lived a long full life and she died in her sleep and I think  we can all take comfort in that . Brick : How is that  comforting ? I sleep every night. I 'd  be more  comforted  if she  died  in a hang gliding accident. Mike : Oh in your sleep  is what you're shooting for . You just close your eyes and never wake up. You never even know. Brick : You never even know? Frankie :  The point is  she looked good. Mike : She really did. Frankie : And she's in a beautiful  spot . Sue : She really is. Axl : Well,  I'm never ending up  in a place  like that , I'll tell you that right now. Mike : When you  figu

Working Out (4) the benefits

Working Out (4) the benefits It really is true: Working out  makes you sleep  like a baby.  In fact , a  recent  study even showed that working out at 7 AM was better for your sleep than working out at 7 PM, or at 1 PM  for that matter . During the month of my morning exercise experiment, I slept beautifully. I was in bed  by  9 PM ( at the latest ), and my mind somehow knew it was time to shut down for the day-it didn't race or  constantly  add things to my  to-do list  like normal. I was generally out  as soon as  I pulled up the covers. And I needed to be, in order to  make my 5:30 wake-up call . I'm happy to say  I never  missed  a morning workout during my experiment,  though  I  did  listen to my body and  go easier on  the days I needed it. I just knew that if I  skipped  a day I'd  fall off the wagon , though I know doctors recommend rest days  every now and then  to  let  your muscles  recover . Since the month ended,  I've kept up  my new early morning