
Zobrazují se příspěvky z srpen, 2018

Working Out (3) feeling good

Working Out (3) feeling good Someone once told me that working out  first thing in the morning  was like walking around with a secret, and  that's exactly how I felt .  No matter how crappy the day was  (I didn't get an assignment  I was hoping for , or the kids  were being particularly challenging ), there was always that  silver lining : I started the day  by working out . And it  turns out  experts agree with me. "The benefits of exercising in the morning include  feeling accomplished  and good  about  yourself because  you were actually able to make this happen ," says Yvonne Thomas, PhD, a Los Angeles-based psychologist who specializes  in self-esteem . "Other benefits of exercising in the morning are that you can be more dynamic-physically, cognitively, and emotionally." Things  that would normally raise my blood pressure (a work  deadline got moved up , my kids lost their library...

Working Out (2) pulling teeth

Working Out (2) pulling teeth As a freelancer, I sometimes go into different offices for project work, two or three days  a  week, and sometimes I work at home. On the days I went into an office, I booked a morning sitter  to deal with  the kids ( get them up ,  dressed ,  fed , and to school), so I could hit the gym before work. Some people would think this was crazy. Why would I pay $40 to a sitter for 2 hours ($20  an  hour is  the going rate  in my town)  in order to hit the gym ? But for me,  it's totally worth it .  First ,  mornings are a mess  in our house-the kids don't want to get up or get dressed, so  it's like pulling teeth  to  get them to eat  their breakfast and be at school  on time -so outsourcing those 2 hours was a wonderful gift to myself. Second, I've always been  an early-morning person , so getting up at 5:30 or 6 AM isn't difficult for me. I feel my best i...

Working Out (1) rozbor

Working Out (1) hit the gym I tried working out  - zkoušela jsem posilovat. Možná vás napadne, proč tu není použité  to work out . Mezi infinitivem a gerundiem ve spojení se slovesem TRY je drobný rozdíl: I  tried to work out  for a while, but I had to stop soon - Na chvíli jsem zkoušel cvičit, ale brzo jsem musel přestat (nevěděl jsem, jak to dopadne, pokusil jsem se o to) I  tried working out  to see if it helps me recover faster - Zkusil jsem posilovat, abych se rychleji uzdravit (vyzkoušel jsem prášky, terapii apod., nic nepomohlo, tak jsem si řekl, že bych mohl zkusit posilování. samotné posilování pro mě není problem, ale sleduju tím dosažení jistého cíle) every single morning  - každičké ráno / úplně každé ráno here's what happened  - a stalo se tohle I would use my lunch hour to hit the gym  - 1) sloveso WOULD zde popisuje zvyk v minulosti: o polední pauze jsem chodívala cvičit; 2) hit the gym - chodit cičit (souvis...

Working Out (1) hit the gym

Working Out (1) hit the gym By Judy Koutsky, prevention.com I tried working out every single morning for a month, and here’s what happened . Before I had kids, I would use my lunch hour to hit the gym . I had a "passport" membership to a gym chain and could go to any of their locations. Lucky for me , there were several near my office, so I would scan their lunchtime class schedules and take advantage of total-body conditioning and kickbox ing . My midday break always got my endorphins going , and I was extremely dedicated to taking it. As a friend said, I had the sculpted arms to show for it . Then I went freelance and had two kids. Suddenly lunchtime workouts didn't seem doable , and my arms (along with the rest of my body) suffered from their new ( lack of ) routine. I tried working out in the evenings after the kids were in bed, but I was so tired by then that it was hard to stick with it . But I finally got to a point where I was mo...