Working Out (2) pulling teeth

Working Out (2) pulling teeth

As a freelancer, I sometimes go into different offices for project work, two or three days a week, and sometimes I work at home. On the days I went into an office, I booked a morning sitter to deal with the kids (get them updressedfed, and to school), so I could hit the gym before work. Some people would think this was crazy. Why would I pay $40 to a sitter for 2 hours ($20 an hour is the going rate in my town) in order to hit the gym? But for me, it's totally worth itFirstmornings are a mess in our house-the kids don't want to get up or get dressed, so it's like pulling teeth to get them to eat their breakfast and be at school on time-so outsourcing those 2 hours was a wonderful gift to myself. Second, I've always been an early-morning person, so getting up at 5:30 or 6 AM isn't difficult for me. I feel my best in the morning, and a gym workout only enhances that feeling.
The days I worked from home, it was harder to justify paying a sitter to take my kids in the morning, so instead, I worked out while my husband and kids were still sleeping. Our gym opens at 5:30 AM, and my family rarely gets up before 6:30 or 7, so I would set the alarm, throw on my workout clothes, and sneak out the door. Often, I'd get back before anyone got up, or I would walk in just as they were awakening.


get them up, dressed, fed - přimět je, aby vstali, oblékli se a najedli
that's the going rate - tolik to teď většinou stojí
mornings are a mess - ráno je blázinec
it's like pulling teeth - je to skoro nadlidský úkol, dá to hrozně práce
get them to eat breakfast - přimět je sníst snídani
I've always been an early morning person - vždycky jsem vstávala brzo ráno (slovo PERSON se takto často používá např. ve spojení a dog person / a cat person - člověk, který má rád psy/kočky nebo a people person - společenský člověk, někdo, kdo se rád baví s druhými)
so instead, I worked out while... - tady je důležité, že za slovem INSTEAD už nesmí následovat of it. Něco jiného by bylo so instead of paying a sitter, I worked out while...rarely - výjimečně, málokdy
set the alarm - nastavit budík
sneak out the door - vyplížit se ze dveří


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