
Zobrazují se příspěvky z červen, 2018

Letter to Daddy (4) say goodbye

Letter to  Daddy  (4)  say goodbye You say you  want people to connect , but  with  all the bad things you do, you're just pushing me further and further away. I'm not sure I  even  know  who you are  deep down. And I'm not sure I really want to know the person who created this website. Are you a monster, Daddy? I'm scared to  be related to you . Mommy says you love me more than anything. But Daddy, if you really love me, you'll  make this right . If you make your website go away, then maybe the world can be a nice place again! Please, Daddy, please make your website go away! Okay, Daddy. I  want you to think about what  I've just said, and until you 're ready to make a change , I think  it's best you don't  contact me. Goodbye, Daddy. _______________________________________________________ you want people to connect  - vazbu  want sb. to do sth.  už jistě nemusím předsta...

Letter to Daddy (3) think about it

Letter to  Daddy  (3)  think about it When you really think about it, it's not  that  surprising that you got the whole idea for your big website when you were in college and wanted a way  to vote on which  girls you thought  were  pretty.  If only  you 'd  just had enough self-esteem to trust that you'd eventually  marry someone  nice  like Mommy, then maybe all this trouble  could've been avoided . You know, Daddy, you don't have to work on your website forever. Maybe you could  get a  different  job! My friend Madison's daddy is a doctor. He helps sick people  get better . I want to tell my friends that my daddy has a job  where  he helps people. Sometimes I'm so  ashamed of what  you do that I tell them I don't have a dad  at all . Seriously, Daddy, have you ever helped anyone in your whole life? Is it  all about  the money? You have $72 bi...

Letter to Daddy (2) smart enough

Letter to  Daddy  (2)  smart enough Everybody  says  you're really smart, but why would a smart person want to build something that  makes people unhappy ? Daddy, be honest: Did you make your website bad  on purpose ? In your Senate hearing, you said you  didn't  know all the ways it was hurting people. But if you made the whole website, wouldn't you know everything about it, even all the bad things it can do to people? It seems like you're lying to everybody - even me.  Aren't  you worried  about how  I will grow up in this terrifying world that you, personally , have given us? Doesn't that  matter  to you? Come on , Daddy. The whole  thing  is so completely  obvious .  All  you and your website  do is hurt  people.  I mean , really, what you did to journalism  alone ! You created a platform that cripples publishers and  severely  limits the reach of th...

Letter to Daddy (1) think it over

Letter to  Daddy  (1)  think it over Originally from  theonion.com Daddy,  I've been thinking . I know I never talk to you about Facebook. You 've worked  really hard on it, and it means a lot  to  you, so  as  your daughter I've always tried to keep quiet whenever it  comes up . But I just can't stay silent anymore. It's time  for me to stand up for  what's right. I don't want to live in the world your website has created, Daddy. You said Facebook  would  be a new way  for everyone to connect  and  make friends , but I've noticed  most of  those connections are  kind of superficial . I think the site has probably  done more dividing  than uniting,  don't you ? It  pretty much  just reinforces people's biases,  spreads  a lot of lies, and fills our world with hate. That has  made it easier for  politicians and corporations  t...