The Middle (2) long history
The Middle (2) long history
Frankie: When did this happen? Mike, look at this. Look at this. This is--I haven't had my driver's license picture taken in seven years, okay? Here's the old one. Look at this. What happened to me?
Mike: Uh, well, back then you were all young and shiny and wondering what your life's gonna be. And now, well, now you know.
Sue: Mom!
Frankie: Hey, come in here if you want to talk to me. Axel, put some pants on. Okay, maybe it was just a bad picture. I mean, yikes. Mike, does it ever bum you out that I'm not young and shiny anymore?
Mike: Well, sure, honey. It's a huge bummer, but what are you gonna do? Oh, shoot! I wanted chips for my lunch.
Axl: She didn't buy any.
Frankie: Sue, grab a pancake. We're late. That's Sue. She's been going through a bit of an awkward stage for the past 13 years.
Sue: Mom, the dryer ate my leg warmers again.
Frankie: I told you, you can't put wet things in the dryer anymore.
Sue: Well, I need 'em, 'cause guess what? I'm trying out for show choir this week.
Frankie: I know, I know-- that's not an expression parents should have on their faces when their daughter tells them she's trying out for something. But see, Sue had a long history of things she tried out for-- a long and painful history.
Mike: Uh, well, back then you were all young and shiny and wondering what your life's gonna be. And now, well, now you know.
Sue: Mom!
Frankie: Hey, come in here if you want to talk to me. Axel, put some pants on. Okay, maybe it was just a bad picture. I mean, yikes. Mike, does it ever bum you out that I'm not young and shiny anymore?
Mike: Well, sure, honey. It's a huge bummer, but what are you gonna do? Oh, shoot! I wanted chips for my lunch.
Axl: She didn't buy any.
Frankie: Sue, grab a pancake. We're late. That's Sue. She's been going through a bit of an awkward stage for the past 13 years.
Sue: Mom, the dryer ate my leg warmers again.
Frankie: I told you, you can't put wet things in the dryer anymore.
Sue: Well, I need 'em, 'cause guess what? I'm trying out for show choir this week.
Frankie: I know, I know-- that's not an expression parents should have on their faces when their daughter tells them she's trying out for something. But see, Sue had a long history of things she tried out for-- a long and painful history.
I haven't had my driver's license picture taken in seven years - sedm let jsem se nenechala vyfotit na řidičák. Uplatňuje se zde vazba have sth. done - nechat si něco udělat:
- I had the roof repaired last week - minulý týden mi opravili střechu / nechal jsem si opravit střechu
- When was the last time you had your hair cut? - kdy jsi byl naposled u holiče? / kdy sis naposled nechal ostříhat vlasy?)
- I'm having my picture taken, I'll call back later - zrovna mě fotí, zavolám později
Kromě toho si všimněte předložky IN - v záporných větách se takto používá v americké angličtině namísto britského FOR
the old one - ta stará (fotka)
back then - tehdy
shiny - veselý, plný optimismu
come in here - spojení předložek a určení místa HERE nebo THERE se v mluvené angličtině objevuje často (do you see the man over there? - vidíš toho muže támhle?; I went in there and told them how I felt - šel jsem tam a řekl jim, jak se cítím)
yikes - no že se vůbec divím
does it ever bum you out? - štve tě to někdy? (doslova "kazí ti to někdy náladu?")
it's a huge bummer - je to vážně škoda (it's a very big pitty)
what you're gonna do? - co se dá dělat? (YOU zde má všeobecnou, zástupnou funkci)
oh, shoot! - a sakra! (méně expresivní varianta k oh, shit)
chips - v tomto případě (tedy v americké AJ) jsou to opravdu chipsy, v britské AJ jsou to hranolkygrab a pancake - vezmi si lívanec (dosl. popadni)
she's been going through a bit of an awkward stage - chová se divně, je trochu zvláštní (dosl. prochází trochu divným obdobím)
try out for sth. - jít na konkurz
expression - znamená jak výraz ve smyslu "slovo", tak i právě výraz v obličeji
but see... - ale víte,...
a long history of things she tried out for - jedná se o vztažnou větu, proto je předložka na konci, totéž platí pro otázky (what was the last thing you tried out for?)
the old one - ta stará (fotka)
back then - tehdy
shiny - veselý, plný optimismu
come in here - spojení předložek a určení místa HERE nebo THERE se v mluvené angličtině objevuje často (do you see the man over there? - vidíš toho muže támhle?; I went in there and told them how I felt - šel jsem tam a řekl jim, jak se cítím)
yikes - no že se vůbec divím
does it ever bum you out? - štve tě to někdy? (doslova "kazí ti to někdy náladu?")
it's a huge bummer - je to vážně škoda (it's a very big pitty)
what you're gonna do? - co se dá dělat? (YOU zde má všeobecnou, zástupnou funkci)
oh, shoot! - a sakra! (méně expresivní varianta k oh, shit)
chips - v tomto případě (tedy v americké AJ) jsou to opravdu chipsy, v britské AJ jsou to hranolkygrab a pancake - vezmi si lívanec (dosl. popadni)
she's been going through a bit of an awkward stage - chová se divně, je trochu zvláštní (dosl. prochází trochu divným obdobím)
try out for sth. - jít na konkurz
expression - znamená jak výraz ve smyslu "slovo", tak i právě výraz v obličeji
but see... - ale víte,...
a long history of things she tried out for - jedná se o vztažnou větu, proto je předložka na konci, totéž platí pro otázky (what was the last thing you tried out for?)