Interview with a musician (1) - rozbor
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the sadly now-defunct band - dnes bohužel již zaniklá / nefungující skupina had his bandmates not also been amazing - would have absolutely stolen the show - jde o třetí typ podmínkových vět, na začátku je vypuštěno IF, proto je slovosled obrácený no matter the style, there's an authenticity in every note - bez ohledu na styl je každý tón autentický. Vazba THERE IS / ARE se může zdát nevinná a bezproblémová, ovšem jen do chvíle, než si ji spojíte se skutečnými českými překlady ve větách typu: je třeba, aby těch plakátů bylo víc - there needs to be more posters A S TOUTO VĚTOU SI SAMOZŘEJMĚ JE MOŽNO RŮZNĚ POHRÁVAT, NAPŘ.: musí těch plakátů být víc? - do there have to be/need to be more posters? těch plakátů nemusí být víc - there don't have to be more posters chceš, aby těch plakátů bylo víc? - do you want there to be more posters? (ano, protože THERE je podmět) nechci, aby těch plakátů bylo víc - I don't want there t...
An Interview with a Musician Ben Roth (1)
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An Interview with a Musician Ben Roth (1) I first saw Ben Roth when he played with the sadly , now-defunct band Perkasie. He was this crazy-haired guitar player who - had his bandmates not also been amazing - would have absolutely stolen the show. His music is wide-ranging in style, but no matter the style, there's an authenticity in every note. If I was 10 years younger, okay even though I'm not, Ben's one of those musicians you get those heart-rending crushes on . The interview will show you why. What got you into music? What do you love about it? What do you hate? My parents got me into music as a kid, always playing it in the car and at home and encouraging me to sing along . When I found my dad's old Martin in our basement I knew right away that I need ed to learn how to play it. I would have friends over and show i...
Aunt Ginny's Dead (3) we'll miss her
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Aunt Ginny's Dead (3) we'll miss her Frankie : Oh, I know. She used to make the best cheesecake Sue : Really? Frankie : Oh sure, it was cherry. She got the recipe off the box of graham crackers. She let me sit on the counter and I always got the first bite . Axl : I'm hungry. Brick : Can we stop and get cheesecake? Frankie : Nobody's stopping , people are gonna bring food over to the house anyway . Brick : Why? Frankie : Because when somebody dies , you're not supposed to cook . Oh, I remember something else. She once met Patton. Axl : She did ? Wow, cool, very cool. Mike : You have no idea who Patton is , do you ? Axl : Give me a hint . Frankie : Oh my god, that's pathetic . You're gonna graduate in a year and you don't even know who Patton is? Axl : I could amaze you with some of the stuff I don't know. Brick : So this death napkin t...
Aunt Ginny's Dead (2) that's our will
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Aunt Ginny's Dead (2) that's our will Frankie : Axl, promise you won't freeze your sister's head and put it on someone else's body. Axl : I don't know that I can make that promise. Sue : See, you won't be here, you won't be able to enforce it. Frankie : Fine, we'll put it in our will . Axl : These guys have a will? Mike : Of course we do . We scribbled on a napkin: If we die, Frankie's sister gets the kids, that's our will. Axl : We don't listen to you guys when you're alive, what makes you think we're gonna pay attention to your death napkin? Sue : I don't want to talk about this! Frankie : Did we seriously not make a will? I thought we bought that "make your own will" floppy disc Brick : Then I don't have to live with Lucy? She promised me I don't have to live with Lucy. Mike : Don't worry, the bank will take the house if they wait that long and the rest of our vast holdings will b...
Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) rozbor
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she looked good -- she really did - odpověď bychom mohli v češtině vyjádřit klidně jen dvěma slovy, a sice "to jo", v angličtině se však takovéto reakce tvoří právě použitím pomocného slovesa , které nahrazuje významové sloveso z předcházející věty. Významové sloveso je LOOKED, které se v odpovědi nahradí minulým tvarem slovesa do , tedy DID she had less wrinkles lying down - neměla tolik vrásek, když ležela. 1) LESS se v dnešní angličtině používá ve významu méně / ne tolik i u počitatelných podst.jmen, kde by teoreticky byla správnější podoba fewer ; 2) gerundium slovesa LIE zkracuje vedlejší větu when she was lying down we can all take comfort in that - všechny by nás to mělo uklidnit how is that comforting? I'd be more comforted if... - jak mě to má uklidnit? Byl bych klidnější, kdyby... Tady je hezky vidět rozdíl mezi přídavnými jmény, která končí na -ing a těmi, která končí na -ed . Ta, která končí...
Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) she looked good
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Aunt Ginny's Dead (1) she looked good Everybody's in the car, driving home from aunt Ginny's funeral Frankie : Well, she looked good. Mike : She really did . Sue : I think she looked pretty. Brick : She had less wrinkles lying down . Axl : I never saw her without her glasses. Mike : And that cloud of smoke around her. Frankie : Look, aunt Ginny lived a long full life and she died in her sleep and I think we can all take comfort in that . Brick : How is that comforting ? I sleep every night. I 'd be more comforted if she died in a hang gliding accident. Mike : Oh in your sleep is what you're shooting for . You just close your eyes and never wake up. You never even know. Brick : You never even know? Frankie : The point is she looked good. Mike : She really did. Frankie : And she's in a beautiful spot . Sue : She really is. Axl : Well, I'm never ending up in a place like t...